Finally, at 7:30am safely arrive to the location...(after asking direction from the pump attendant at Caltex la...)
I had my breakfast first (ensure my energy level goes to the optimum level) before I started scouting around the Memory Lane...
Old timer arranging his goods..
A lot of stuffs selling here...
u can even find a lot of vintage toys selling here too...
'Old Radio' - the memory remains....
Gimme some rice cooker....
hahaha...they are selling money too....what a merchant...
This guy and his wife selling a lot of 'piring hitam'...nice collections too...
finally, my favourite items....oldskool camera...manage to get myself Olympus Pen EE-3..for your info,the Pen EE was introduced in 1961 and was the amateur model, with fully automatic exposure and fixed focusing. It is a true point and shoot camera, and has a 28mm f/3.5 lens. The Pen EE family is easily recognized by the selenium meter window around the lens.
The Pen EE.S, launched in 1962, is the same model with a 30mm f/2.8 and a focusing ring, made necessary by the wider aperture.
In 1966 the two cameras were slightly modified and became the Pen EE (EL) and Pen EE.S (EL) with a modification of the take-up spool to make film loading easier. EL stands for Easy Loading. You can only recognize them by a small label marked EL stuck on the front, or you can open them and look at the take-up spool.
The Pen EE.2, produced from 1968 to 1977, is nearly the same as the Pen EE with the addition of a hot shoe and an automatic exposure counter. The Pen EE.3, produced from 1973 to 1983, seems to be exactly the same camera. YATTA!!! i manage to get this camera for only RM100...still in working condition...
Theres a lot of rare and vintage items you can find there...this is a good experience for me and i've so much fun there...after the trip i've learned that all the super bombastic items that we have now is originally from the one that we have forgotten...enuff said...
bro, nice article